Karonn Blue
Growing up in rural Georgia, surrounded by a loving family, having limited resources has engraved in me to always dream big, plan properly, work extremely hard, keep a cool head, expect the best from people, and make the most of every opportunity. These tenants are the core of who I am as a person and as a leader.
I operate my life based on a few guiding principle:
- Discover the talents and abilities that God has designed in me and use them to continually build and develop His kingdom.
- Understand that my primary responsibility in building God’s kingdom is loving my (beautiful)wife, developing (2) God fearing young men (LaMaras & Langston), and nurturing relationships within extended family.
- Serve my community with my gifts and talents through my work, church, business, volunteering, and mission.
- Demonstrate my faith through the works in all that God has designed me for.
Why Living Word Church Ministries: The folks at LWCM are amazing. They truly love the Lord with their whole hearts. Our church family is warm, welcoming, and have a heart for service. As I’ve become more integrated in several different ministries, I’ve realized that this is the common thread that makes this church special.
Favorite Personal Activity: Reading & Spending time learning in my personal home lab.
Favorite family Activity: Traveling to new places & learning what makes that place special.
A little known fact about me: I’m a huge Iron Man fan. I enjoy how he creates and pushes beyond what others expect can be done. By his vision and hard work, he keeps his team at the leading edge of technology to overcome any challenge.
Shanda Blue
I was born in Troy Alabama, raised on a small farm in Goshen. My wonderful parents taught me at an early age, to be a good steward of God’s blessings in my life. I married my loving husband in 2006 and we are blessed with two handsome boys (LaMaras, Langston) who we love raising. I graduated from Shorter University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and will have a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Public Administration from Southern New Hamspire University. I have a career in the United States Federal Government.
*Why Living Word Church Ministries*: I joined the leadership board because I have a passion to serve and the capacity to help our church grow. I absolutely love how our church focuses on strengthen family values around God’s core principles. Being part of a church family that are servants for God’s people in our community, is icing on the cake.
I strive to pattern my life after the woman in Proverbs 31. I love how she uses her gifts and talents to build God’s kingdom by being an excellent helpmate for her husband, a wonderful mother for her kids, an astute career/business woman, and dedicated servant to her community. This scripture reminds me of how God has built women to be pillars of his kingdom.
A few of my favorite personal activities are traveling to new places, entertaining family, decorating, jewelry making and volunteering in my community.
A little known fact about me. I love politics. I’m a bit of a “political zealot”